Guangdong Pharmaceutical University

Current Leadership

Party Secretary Liu Sheng

is in charge of the overall work of the school party committee; he is in contact with the School of Marxism.

President and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee Zhai Lixiang

is in charge of the overall administrative work of the school; he is in charge of the Audit Office, the First Affiliated Hospital, and the Second Affiliated Hospital; and he is in contact with the School of Pharmacy, the School of Clinical Pharmacy, and the First Clinical Medical College.

Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee Wu Hongxing

is in charge of the Organization Department, Propaganda Department, United Front Work Department, Student Affairs Department (Employment Guidance Center, Armed Forces Department), Trade Union (Family Planning Office), Youth League Committee, and Red Cross Society; and is in contact with the College of Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

Ling Ziping, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission,

is responsible for the overall work of the Discipline Inspection Commission; he is in charge of the Discipline Inspection Commission Office, the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office, and the Office of the Inspector General.

Vice President Li Jincheng

is in charge of the General Affairs and Logistics Department, Yunfu Campus Management Office, and Asset Management Co., Ltd.; and is in contact with the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the School of Nursing, and the School of Health.

Gan Yuanhong, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President,

is in charge of the Party and Government Office (including alumni, education development foundation, rural revitalization, letters and visits, and confidentiality work), the Finance and State- owned Assets Management Department, the Security Department, the Retirement Affairs

Xiao Wei, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President

In charge of the Human Resources Department (Party Committee Teacher Work Department, Teacher Development Center), Science and Technology Department, Development Planning Department, Graduate School, Guangdong Provincial Research Center for Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine for Metabolic Diseases (Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine), New Drug Research and Development Center, provincial and above key Laboratories (research laboratories, engineering centers) and technology business incubators; contact the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine Resources (TCM Resources...

Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President Yang Quan

In charge of the Academic Affairs Department (Admissions Office), Foreign Exchange and Cooperation Department (Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Foreign Affairs Department), Laboratory and Equipment Management Department, School of Continuing Education, Teaching Experiment Center, Animal Experiment Center, Journal Editorial Department, Library, Sports Committee; contact School of Life Sciences and Biopharmaceuticals, School of Basic Medical Sciences, School of Foreign Languages, School of International Education, and Sports Department.